Learnt Image Compression
ref: EE274-2023-lec16 Introduction Image compression is about reducing the redundacy stored in an image. In traditional methods like JPEG, the image is converted and quantinized, followed by...
ref: EE274-2023-lec16 Introduction Image compression is about reducing the redundacy stored in an image. In traditional methods like JPEG, the image is converted and quantinized, followed by...
Pytoch的gpu加速需要安装cuda,而cuda的安装过程较为繁琐,因此推荐使用conda安装pytorch-cuda环境。 以下是在Ubuntu系统下配置conda环境的步骤。 同时,在conda管理的虚拟环境内可正常使用pip安装其他包。 安装Miniconda conda会默认在shell启动时激活base环境,可通过conda config --set auto_ac...
Copilot使用VSCode应用的统一代理设置。然而,在切换至WSL时,代理设置也会同步,此时又需要更改代理地址为宿主机的地址,较为繁琐。 如果不设置VSCode应用代理,Copilot会检测环境变量,故只需在Windows下设置类似.bashrc的环境变量即可。 设置代理 打开配置文件:code $profile 添加环境变量:$env:HTTPS_PROXY = "[I...
Trying to learn about video development, and found that obs is open-sourced. This post details the process of compiling and run the source code on wsl2. The wsl2 uses ubuntu24.04 Steps Ins...
Clash operates as a proxy tool. There are many GUI wrapper over the core. But when remote developing a server via ssh, it would be useful to find an elegant method to run the proxy. Clash would o...
To open the current folder in Windows Explorer, add the following command to .bashrc file: alias open="/mnt/c/Windows/explorer.exe"
The sudo command uses a restricted PATH for security reasons. To include your directory in the PATH when running sudo, you can edit the /etc/sudoers file. sudo visudo Add the following line ...
Latex is a text formating language that is widely used in academia. Windows: MikTeX MikTeX is a modern implementation of TeX/LaTeX and related programs with good support for Windows. MikTeX cons...
This note is intended for readers having C programming experience and familiar with OOP concepts. It is a collection of notes on C++ programming language, including the basics, advanced features, a...
Web Scraping Charles Install a certificate on the device and set up the proxy. Then, you can see the request and response in Charles. Store the curl command, convert them in to scripts. Use ...